
Build Toy Trains Wood Toy Plans (PDF eBook Download)

  • Build Toy Trains Wood Toy Plans (PDF eBook Download)
  • Build Toy Trains Wood Toy Plans (PDF eBook Download)
  • Build Toy Trains Wood Toy Plans (PDF eBook Download)
  • Build Toy Trains Wood Toy Plans (PDF eBook Download)
  • Build Toy Trains Wood Toy Plans (PDF eBook Download)
  • Build Toy Trains Wood Toy Plans (PDF eBook Download)


Build Toy Trains PDF eBook
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PDF file easily prints to 8-1/2" x 11" or A4 paper.

PDF eBook Details:
5 Toy Train Play Sets.
Wood Toy Trains assembly exploded views.
Step-by-step detailed instructions.
Easy & strong safe wood couplings you can make yourself.
Additional assembly tips and how-to's.
Full-color 11" x 8-1/2" pages.

Required Tools & Supplies:
Common woodworking tools.
Sandpaper and non-toxic stains or paints to finish.

Additional PDF eBook Notes:
In Build Toy Trains you'll discover 5 great toy train sets. Choose from the Hoboken Station Train Play Set, Puffer Billy Scooter Train Play Set, Bobangi Zoo Safari Train, Madagascar Monkey Train, and the Alphabet Soup Express Train. All patterns in the PDF file are full size and are original designs. These train play sets are guaranteed to put a smile on your and your kids faces! Each train set in the Build Toy Trains PDF eBook is made entirely from wood. No metal couplings are required between the cars. We show you how to make easy and safe wood couplings. Concerned about making wheels? The PDF file also contains detailed instructions on how to make perfect wood wheels using a hole saw. Wheels can also easily be constructed from dowels. And if you prefer, we also provide an online resource for ordering quality wood wheels at a low reasonable price in small quantities.

All you need is the free Adobe Acrobat Reader app to view and print pages from the PDF download. The Build Toy Trains PDF file easily prints to 8-1/2" x 11" or A4 paper. The PDF file includes full-size patterns, exploded views, assembly photos and step-by-step detailed instructions. See our section on PDF Questions for more information on how to download and print PDF files.

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